
A Dirty Tail of Another Celebrity Sex Scandal

Posted · 18 Comments

Like millions of other women, I have often lacked the courage to stick up for myself in abusive situations. My insecurities have been something I’ve hated about myself, sometimes even more than the bully himself. I was always a nice girl. In school, I avoided getting my ass kicked by kissing ass. At home, I […]

Adele Sings Adele

Posted · 24 Comments

Adele, the singer, and I have a few things in common. A. The obvious – we share the same name. Along with my 93 year old grandmother, Adele, The Original. B. Adele, the singer, has fabulous nails and is known to WERK her hands. I work with my hands too… C. Adele sang the enchanting […]

From Manicured to Messy: Embracing Imperfection

Posted · 23 Comments

I’m someone who’s long suffered from a persistent inner push to do the right thing, say the right thing, look the right way, etc.. I don’t expect others to be ‘perfect’ and I’m not attracted to those who claim to have it all together, yet occasionally I put impossible pressures on myself. Some say this […]

Conversations with My Cat

Posted · 23 Comments

Over the past 15 years, my cat, Marvin and I have had a few conversations that have changed my life. Yes, I believe in kooky California crap like animal communication. (I was also taught to believe that trees have feelings and fairies are real). Throughout his life, Marvin has talked to a pet psychic named […]

My Interview with Forbes

Posted · 11 Comments

Recently, I was shooting Christmas ornaments for a Target catalog in humid summer heat, when I received a phone call from a reporter at Forbes Magazine, who said she wanted to interview me for a story about parts modeling. I agreed to meet her the next day over coffee to discuss the wild world of […]

Meltdown in Manhattan

Posted · 12 Comments

I used to fight with the wind. Literally. “Brother Wind” to be exact. (For those of you just tuning in, I grew up on a California commune, with people named Pink Heart and Apricot). At first, I’d ask Brother Wind politely to please respect the great effort that went into sweeping up large piles of […]

Little A in the Big Apple

Posted · 33 Comments

Between the East and West coasts, there’s a vast glamour gap from gig to gig. In the advertising world, New York is known as the main market for fashion in the US, while Los Angeles is more of a commercial town. Recently I shot a beauty campaign in New York, for Dior cosmetics… …then returned […]

Love, With All My Parts

Posted · 18 Comments

I’ve always believed being beautiful would promise love and a life with less heartache. So I became a model…actually, a hand model. Technically speaking, a “parts” model, since at my height, I was fortunate to get a foot in the door of fashion… I thought that working in the beauty biz would bestow me with […]


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