
Midlife Metamorphosis

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I’m in the midst of a midlife meltdown. Since 2021, a camera has captured this turbulent time while I’ve wondered why the heck I signed up to be the subject of a damn documentary!  Life has taken some sudden and shocking turns, and what I thought was solid ground continues to morph in messy unpredictable […]

Dramatic Twist While Shooting a Documentary

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In late 2021, I began filming a documentary about a bunch of intriguing topics, including AGING. I was entering a new phase of life and wanted to create an empowering picture, particularly for women. So, I teamed up with an awesome producer and our ideas were overflowing.  Before we started, I prayed that the film […]

Mothers, Angels, Daughters (and Demons)

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I just found out I’m a Demon. Yep, that’s what renowned Vedic astrologer, Carol Allen, told me moments after glancing at my chart. She also told me I’m ruled by the “hasta” constellation, which in Hindu, translates to “hands.”  Huh. Vedic astrology is the traditional astrology of India that emphasizes the “temperaments” of individuals. Apparently […]

Modern Materialism and Why I’ve Driven the Same Car for 14 Years

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My relationship with cars is complicated. I learned to drive at 13 while my dad sat in the passenger seat, smoking a joint and reading the newspaper, only to look up occasionally and yell something like “Yield!” The first time I heard that word was entering the freeway while yelling back, “What does that mean?!” […]

A New Attitude About Aging from a Middle-aged Model

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When a New York Times reporter asked for an interview, my only request was that my age not be mentioned. I didn’t want my ‘coming out moment’ announced in the largest newspaper in the world. I could foresee the headline: Middle-Aged Model Makes It in Manhattan. I wanted the article to be about my work […]

Stella – A Legacy of Love

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What’s a tragic topper to a global pandemic, horrifying murders of innocent black brothers and sisters with escalating violence, economic collapse and record high joblessness…? The sudden loss of a dear dog in the middle of everything. 2020 has certainly brought a motherload of misery and rocked the world. Once in a great while, something […]

Grateful for Grandmother – The Last Love Letter

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One of my grandmother’s repeated phrases was, “We’ve got a lot of living to do.” Her enthusiasm for life was as refreshing as a child’s – Even as a 95-year-old who had lived through WWII, the Depression, the untimely death of three sons, and an exceptionally unhappy husband. Despite having experienced no shortage of heart […]

Things I’ve Learned Since Launching a Startup

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I haven’t blogged since this time last year when I launched a skincare business and it’s felt like I’ve been sprinting full-speed ever since. I had no idea what this new undertaking would require of me. Had I known, I probably would’ve stayed safe (and stuck) inside my comfort zone. I once had the naive […]

My Lotion Love Child

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I’m often asked how I care for my skin and my motto has remained the same for many years. One word: Moisture. No, I don’t use some fancy caviar crème on my hands, or sea urchin oil on my feet, or dab my eyes with snake venom and nightingale poop. (Those are actual ingredients found in […]


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